May Virtual Write-In

Home is where your story begins, so why not join other writers and create from home? On Wednesday, May 27th from 7-8:30 PM, we will join together on Zoom to create next-level original work.

For $15.00, writers have the opportunity to write creatively, share their work with other writers, win raffle prizes, and learn about publication opportunities. Grab your favorite night time beverage and create with us!

Let’s break through the quarantine blues with some inspiration and community in the name of writing! Share with a friend who needs to begin writing again. Geography is no obstacle! See you Wednesday!

Commit to 30 Days of Writing

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Committing to 21 days of anything can seem daunting, but committing to something that is good for you is essential. When I decided to start my journey as a writer, I knew that I enjoyed writing, but it wasn’t until I made it a daily activity that I realized I needed writing. I needed to commit to it. For me, the world is entirely too transient. I long for slower days and simpler times. Writing forces us to do just that. Slow down, simplify our enjoyment, and process reflections.

Prompt Book

The nice part about this commitment is that you need very little to get started. Grab a computer, loose-leaf paper, a journal, an old notebook, and begin. If you need help with where to start, I’ve got a book for you available on Amazon. 30 Days of Writing Prompts To Achieve a Higher Sense of Self. These prompts are designed to get you reflecting and thinking while guiding you forward to your most positive self. The key is to set aside time each day where your family knows you’ll be creating, and let the words flow. I give you permission. In addition to the time, find a writing spot with a door that closes. Voluntary isolation is the writer’s best friend.

Get Started

If you’d like to get started, but you know you need some support and encouragement, contact me today. I will help you get on the road to your creative freedom. I provide writing calendars, writing prompts, motivational emails, etc. All it takes is you making a promise to your inner writer. After all, every single one of us has a writer inside.

Do you know of a friend who needs a kick start? 30 Days of Writing Prompts makes a great gift for the writers in your life. Happy writing!

30 Days of Writing Prompts Available Now on Amazon

One of the excuses I get from non-writing writers is that time is a major roadblock in the practice of their craft. Carving out an hour here or there for writing seems impossible with children, work, spouses, obligations, etc.

My motto:

Carve out time for your creativity any way you can. “

Your creative life is one of the most important things in this world. It’s how you know you’re alive. It’s the very backbone of who you are. In order to help with the time crunch, I have written a book available on Amazon. 30 Days of Writing Prompts To Achieve a Higher Sense of Self is not only designed to take 15 minutes of your day for writing, but it’s also written for you to get back to what you love. There is room to write directly on each prompt’s page, and the prompts ask you to appreciate the here and now or go back in time and reflect on the beautiful life you’ve built.

Physical copies are just $7.99 or on Kindle for $2.99. If you like what you create in 30 days of writing, please leave a review on Amazon saying so. Thank you for supporting A Writer Inside, and thank you for choosing to break through your creative obstacles to live your best creative life.

Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Writing Topics

The other day I sat down to write, and the blank page taunted me. My mind was as blank as my journal, and I closed my book without completing the 30 minutes of writing I planned that day. I usually don’t let writer’s block win, but this day, it certainly did. Recently, I’ve been trying to think of categories for my writing that are broad enough to allow flexibility, but narrow enough to give me some limitations. I collected these categories to use for the week ahead. This week’s? Well, my journal categories came from the old adage: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” While it’s normally attached to a wedding day, it works perfectly for writing. Here are some ideas for these.

Share with us what you decided to do with these prompts. Happy writing!

Begin Your Week of Journaling

Remember when you kept a diary? It was so sacred and special to you that you’d hide it in a place only you knew about, right? It was always ready for your thoughts, and there was nothing more therapeutic than getting your ideas down on parchment. What has changed? YOU! You’re so busy giving all you have to your family, your career, your responsibilities. It’s time to take your writing back. Carve out ten minutes each day this week, and see how great it feels to be free! Every single one of us has a writer inside. Visit the Contact Me page to find yours!